How Often Should You Redesign Your Website?
No website design is evergreen in the static online environment. Your website may have the perfect layout, images, and content, but in a few months or years, it can start to go stale. According to experts, a website redesign is mandatory once every 2 to 3 years to keep it updated, fresh, and at optimal performance levels.
A Website Redesign Doesn’t Mean Starting Fresh
Often, when a business thinks of a website redesign, they consider giving it a complete makeover. However, if you have an established look, you might not be so keen to consider a website redesign. This is one of the main reasons why many businesses don’t get a redesign.
Contrary to popular belief, website redesigns don’t always require a complete makeover. Instead, they are based on a careful audit to highlight areas of the website that are old-fashioned and obsolete. By updating these elements, you are to all intents and purposes, updating and redesigning the website, even if it involves strengthening the framework.
4 Reasons to Consider a Redesign of Your Website
Another issue that many businesses have is that they usually believe that their website design is optimal and suitable for 5 to 7 years. That might have been true in the past, but in this day and age, change is constant.
The online world is extremely static, and what might have been useful one day could quickly become obsolete within the next six months. If you’re still on the fence about it, the following are some significant reasons why you should consider a redesign of your website:
1. Preventing it From Going Stale
As we have previously mentioned, you can update your website to keep it from going stale. You have to critically examine your site to identify whether it looks old-fashioned or not. This doesn’t mean just looking at the visual aspects of the design but also at the framework.
2. Better for Security Measures
Old-fashioned frameworks are incredibly vulnerable to malware and hacker attacks. You should do this even before you face any issues. The cost to businesses that experience malware attacks can be huge, and it can be difficult for small businesses to bounce back from it. Even if they do, their market integrity will be hard to build up again.
3. Improve Conversions
If you’re no longer getting results from your landing pages or there is a hit-and-miss approach happening, it might be time to redesign your website. This will ensure that your website is in optimal condition and is capable of driving traffic, sales, and improving your revenue. For growing businesses, this is a crucial aspect to consider.
4. Give a Better User Experience (UX)
Mobile users have grown in number, which means that you will need to have a dynamic layout. Many websites require a mobile website redesign so that they can continue reaching out to their target audience. This aspect can expand a website’s outreach and allow it to connect with users on a broader level.
By paying attention to these factors, you can not only know the answer to how often you should redesign your website but also figure out which areas need more attention too.