Premier Website Design in Raleigh, NC
When web design is done right, it should reflect a company’s most unique characteristics. At Think Designs, we take the same approach to working with our customers.
Since 2017, EV Revolution has been focused on construction and maintenance services for electric vehicle charging infrastructure. During that time EV has installed over 250 level 2 stations and dozens of level 3 fast DC stations throughout North Carolina.
Website Design, Website Development, Website Page Builder, On-Page SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Template Design, Responsive Website Design, UX Design, Website Analytics, UX Design, Website Security, WordPress, Hosting, Content Writing, Stock Photography, and Illustrations, Daily, and Bi-Weekly Backups, SSL Certificate, and Continuous Updating of Plugins and Themes.
When web design is done right, it should reflect a company’s most unique characteristics. At Think Designs, we take the same approach to working with our customers.
We create all websites using a milestone system. There are four milestones, and each milestone typically takes two weeks.
WordPress is a free, open-source website content management system (CMS) written in PHP that uses a MySQL database. WordPress is the easiest and most powerful blogging and website builder available.
Our hosting includes a full site backup, bi-weekly backups to an off-site server, continuous updating on all plugins, themes, and more.
Our starting price is $6000. This package includes a custom website, content writing, hosting, and so much more. Click here to view the full details. You can also visit our portfolio to see our previous projects – click here.
We begin by gathering information and assets. Then, we design the home page and inside pages. After that, it’s coding and launching the website.
Web design is the visual look of a website and the functionality from a user’s perspective. Web development is the process of coding a website using programming languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.